My Podcast: Ward and Peace

A medical Podcast during the Covid era and beyond.

In 2020, Dr. Sam Waterson, an old uni friend of mine, approached me with the idea for a podcast. “An upbeat, positive and informative medical podcast,” were the words he used. Many months, many interviews, many meetings and team effort later, Sam and I along with our friends Lavanya, Andy, Leah, Harriet and Naomi were happy to share with the world ten episodes of topical medical chats with experts in the field of medicine.

We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed creating these.

They’re not perfect but we hope that as you go through from episode 1 to episode 10 you’ll appreciate our learning curve as we discovered the world of podcasting and also perhaps gain an insight into topics such as vaccines, HIV and palliative care!

Click below to access the free podcasting platforms where you can listen to all ten episodes.